Age 6-11 years
Be Resilient! (Mindful Kids) An activity book for young people who want to spring back from challenges
A self-care activity book for children aged 7+ to help build resilience.
Everyone needs a resilient spring in their step to help them cope with momentsthat are big, new, scary or difficult, or following unusual times like the COVID-19pandemic. The encouraging and simple activities and exercises will help children tounderstand what resilience is, how resilient they already are and how to becomeeven more resilient, They will develop the skills to recognise and manage theiremotions and feelings, and overcome challenging experiences.
The quirky illustrations will keep children entertained and focused as they workthrough the book - or they can simply dip into the pages for ten minutes of calmingdoodling, colouring or writing.
Part of the bestselling Mindful Kids series, a thoughtful range of activity books forchildren that has sold over 100,000 copies and includes No Worries, Hello Happy,Stay Strong, Be Brave, Be Positive and Letting Go, Sleep Tight and Online Offline.
Written by Dr. Sharie, child and family psychotherapist, with an introduction andnotes for grown-ups.